Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Introduction to Excel

Friday, September 27, 2013

Excel does more than graphs!

Today I gave an introduction to Excel  We looked at Excel

 Conditional Formatting

Data Validation

Soccer Line-up   Gantt Chart

Click on these links and download the documents:

We will review them to see different ways Excel can be 


The following templates are from one of my favorite sites:  Vertex42

Gantt Chart

Soccer Templates


Simple Budget.

Assignment:  follow along and manipulate the spreadsheets the way I did on the projected screen.
(no written homework)

Fun Excel Spreadsheets #1

Click on these links and download the documents:

We will review them to see different ways Excel can be used.

The following templates are from one of my favorite sites:  Vertex42

Gantt Chart

Soccer Templates


Simple Budget.

Assignment:  follow along and manipulate the spreadsheets the way I did on the projected screen.  I may ask for a print out as an assessment.
(no written homework)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Orthographic Projection 10-3

NOTE:  Pick up binders on way into class.


Get an Orthographic Projection handout.  Read the introduction.  Then do Activity #1.
If you have time, go through the diagrams in Activity #1 and color the top of the drawings red, the front green, the side blue.

We will finish up dimensioning notes and practice from Tuesday.  Then we will do exercises in orthographic projection (see handout below).

Equipment:  pencil, eraser, colored pencils.

Orthographic Projection handout (4 pages). Due 10/4 if not finished in class.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday 10-1 Lesson 1.4.5 Dimensioning

Year 3 Students have been meeting with me in Ms. Roberts room due to testing.  Since we have little computer time, I am doing direct instruction on modeling topics.

OBJECTIVE:  to learn vocabulary, concepts and skill of adding dimensions to drawings.  (specifically, orthographic drawings. )

Assessment:  for this lesson the formative assessment will be the handout (1.4.5 dimensioning notes) well-filled out and safely stored in their design binder.)

The Power Point presentations

1.4.5.A Dimensioning Notes

1.4.5 Dimensioning PPT

1.4.5 Dimensioning Guidelines PPT

We did not finish the note-taking, so we will do this on  Thursday as well

Friday, September 27, 2013

Yesterday I did a 30-second sketch of a 2-perspective drawing.  My year 3's seem to be interested, and their note-taking did not allow time for a quality drawing.  I promised them we would do a full 2-perspective drawing today. While preparing for today I was taken with the dramatic nature of the 3-point perspective drawings, so that is what we did today.

Monday- drawing due
Tuesday - drawing with color due